Registration will only be accepted online.
All skaters and coaches must register with USA Hockey and obtain a USA Hockey Registration number prior to registering with Oregon Hockey.
Registrations that do not have a USA Hockey Registration Number will NOT be accepted.
Click here to go to USA Hockey
Click the appropriate link below to begin the registration process!
Registration will be opened in a new window.
Registration will be opened in a new window.
Oregon Youth Hockey may, from time to time, take video and pictures of activities involving players and their families. If you would prefer that Oregon Youth Hockey NOT use images of your player/family, please contact a member of the Oregon Youth Hockey Board of Directors to obtain information on opting out of photos.
The documents below are completed electronically during your online registration. They are presented here for reference during the season. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Board of Directors.
Click here to view detailed information about the programs that we offer for the upcoming season.
Click here to view a list of current members of the Oregon Youth Hockey Board of Directors.