FAQ's are below. If, after browsing, you find you have unanswered questions please contact our Volunteer and Dibs coordinator.
The list below highlights examples of volunteer activities available for our organization! Reach out to any member of the OYH Board of Directors for more information.
OYH Board of Directors
Team Managers
Age-Level Schedulers
Grievance/Disciplinary Committee
Fundraising Committee
Tournament Committee
Association Safety Officer
Culture Education Liaison
Positive Coaching Coordinator
RaiseRight Coordinator
Hockey Gear Garage Sale Coordinators
Community Outreach Coordinator
Jersey Coordinator
Equipment Manager
Website Manager
Social Media Manager
Tournament Game-Day Duties
Hockey Director Admin Assistant
We are now utlizing the new DIBS system to run our volunteer opportunities. To get started, please do the following:
STEP 1: CLICK HERE to activate your Volunteer account. This activation prepares your Sports Engine account to become a user of the Volunteer Tool. This activation is required of all volunteers, including board members, head coaches, and concession managers. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS STEP MULTIPLE TIMES. IT WILL ONLY CREATE PROBLEMS WITH YOUR ABILITY TO CLAIM OPPORTUNITIES.
STEP 2: CLICK HERE to visit the OYH Dibs page! From this page, you will see any opportunities you have signed up for or can click on the link for the current season to find available opportunities. If you do not see any opportunities listed, contact the Volunteer Coordinator for assistance. If you see the item marked "Test Dibs Item" but do not see other opportunities, you are not doing anything incorrectly. The available opportunities have simply all been claimed -- check back later for additional opportunities.